Hand Puns: Grasping the Power of Wordplay

Do you like Puns?? Want to know more about hand puns? In this blog post, we’ll explore the art of hand puns and provide you with a collection of puns that are sure to leave your audience in stitches. 

So get ready to flex those funny bones and let’s dive into the world of hand puns!

Best hand jokes 

Hand puns have a firm grip on our sense of humour. With a flick of the wrist, they can tickle our funny bone and leave us in stitches. From palmistry to finger gestures, the world of hand-based wordplay is full of playful possibilities. So, get ready to lend a helping hand to laughter as we explore the amusing and pun-tastic realm of hand puns. Let’s give these puns a hand and embrace the hilarity they have in store for us!

Short Hand Puns

I asked my hand if it wanted to play cards, but it said it was already hands full.

When my hand fell asleep, I had to give it a hand to wake it up.

My left hand is a magician, it always has a few tricks up its sleeve.

My hand and I have a great partnership, we’re always on hand for each other.

hand is quite the comedian, it always comes up with handy jokes.

When my hand started a band, it became a real “handstrumentalist.”

My hand wanted to become a writer, but it couldn’t find the write words.

hand told me a secret, but it swore me to hand-secrecy.

My hand loves to dance, it’s got some serious moves up its sleeve.

I tried to catch fog, but I mist it by a hand’s breadth.

Best Hand Puns One liners

The hand that got caught in the washing machine was all washed up.

I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something hand me in stitches.

The hand surgeon’s job is quite hands-on.

The lazy hand couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger.

The hand model’s career was within grasp.

The handstand champion was always on top of things.

I can always count on my hand to lend a helping finger.

The hand therapist is quite handy with their skills.

The magician’s secret was all in the sleight of hand.

The fingerprint analyst was a real hands-on detective.

Funny Hand Puns 

Why did the hand go to the party? It wanted to lend a hand in the fun!

What did one hand say to the other hand? “I glove you!”

Did you hear about the hand that went to the bakery? It got a “handle” on some doughnuts!

What do you call a hand that can play musical instruments? A palmist!

Why did the hand go to school? It wanted to become a “high five”-ologist!

Why did the hand cross the road? To wave hello to the other side!

What did the five fingers say to the face? “Slap!”

Why did the hand blush? Because it saw the glove of its dreams!

How does a hand wave goodbye? With palm-enthusiasm!

What did the hand say to the face? “I’ve got you covered!”

Hand Pun Jokes

Why did the hand go to the party alone? Because it couldn’t find a plus-one!

What did the hand say to the face? “I’ve got you covered!”

How does a hand always win at poker? It’s good at finger bluffing!

Why did the hand join a circus? It wanted to become a “hand-balancer”!

Why did the hand go to the art gallery? It wanted to give a hand-applause to the masterpieces!

What did the hand say to the clock? “I’m a big fan of your second hand!”

What do you call a hand that’s gone rogue? A palm mutineer!

Why did the hand bring a ladder to the party? It wanted to help the high-fives!

How do hands like to communicate? They give each other a “handshake”!

Why did the hand refuse to do any work? It said it was on a well-deserved “hand-strike”!

Hand Puns Captions

“Hand in Hand: Embracing the Punny Side!”

“Raising Hands and Spirits with Hilarious Wordplay!”

“Hold on Tight: A Handful of Puns Coming Your Way!”

“Finger-licking Good Puns: Hand Edition!”

“Playing it Hand-some: Unleashing the Power of Hand Puns!”

“Grabbing Life by the Puns: Hand Edition!”

“Handy Wordplay: Grasping the Humorous Side of Hands!”

“Tickle Your Funny Bone with Hand Puns!”

“Hands Down, the Funniest Wordplay Around!”

“The Joy is in Your Hands: Unleashing Hand Puns Galore!”

Broken/injured hand jokes

Why did the broken hand go to the doctor? It wanted to get a hand-le on the situation!

What did the injured hand say to the doctor? “I’m in a real pinch here!”

How did the injured hand feel? It was thumb-sore!

Why did the broken hand refuse to go to the party? It didn’t want to be a hand out!

What did the broken hand say to the cast? “Thanks for lending a hand!”

Why did the injured hand have a great sense of humor? It had a knack for finding the funny bone!

How did the injured hand feel about wearing a sling? It thought it was a hands-on fashion statement!

What did the injured hand say when asked if it needed help? “No thanks, I can handle it!”

Why did the broken hand start a band? It wanted to play some catchy hand-icapped tunes!

How did the injured hand react to the pain? It gave a hand-y excuse for a good laugh!

More Amazing Hand Jokes

Get ready for a hand-sational dose of laughter with more amazing hand jokes! These punny punchlines will have you shaking with laughter and giving high-fives all around. From broken hand jokes to hilarious hand puns, we’ve got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let the laughter fill the palm of your hand. Get ready to have a hand-ful of fun with these rib-tickling jokes that are guaranteed to keep you entertained. Whether you’re a fan of wordplay or simply enjoy a good giggle,

One hand jokes

Why did the one-handed man apply for a job at the bakery? Because he kneaded a hand!

Did you hear about the one-handed chef? He can still whip up a hand-licious meal!

What did the one-handed clock say to the other clock? “Can you give me a hand?”

How does a one-handed person wave goodbye? They give a solo high-five!

Why did the one-handed guitarist become famous? Because he had a hand in creating great music!

What did the one-handed person say when they won a game? “I’ve got this in the palm of my hand!”

Why did the one-handed person join a dance class? They wanted to have a hand in mastering the moves!

How does a one-handed person play cards? They hold all the cards in one hand and still win!

What did the one-handed juggler say? “I can handle it!”

How does a one-handed person take a selfie? They’ve mastered the art of capturing the perfect “handie”!

Small hand jokes

Why did the hand go to school? It wanted to become well-versed in palm-istry!

What did the hand say to the face? “I’ve got you covered!”

Why did the hand cross the road? To give a high-five on the other side!

How do you make a handkerchief dance? Put a little boogie in it!

What do you call a hand that can play the piano? A concert-handist!

Why did the hand bring a ladder? It wanted to help the fingerprints reach new heights!

What’s a hand’s favorite type of music? Heavy “hand” metal!

What did one hand say to the other hand at the party? “Let’s palm the night away!”

Why did the hand get a standing ovation? It gave a gripping performance!

What did the thumb say to the little finger? “We make a great pair!”

Big hands jokes

Why was the hand so good at football? It had a great grip on the ball!

What do you call a hand that’s taller than a skyscraper? A high-five!

Why did the hand go to the gym? It wanted to get in shape for some heavyweight lifting!

How do you know if a hand has a lot of money? It’s always got a firm grip on the wallet!

Why did the hand become a professional boxer? It had a knockout punch!

What did the hand say to the face when it slapped it? “High-five! You’ve been served!”

How does a hand feel when it’s full of confidence? It’s got a firm handshake!

Why did the hand go to the art museum? It wanted to appreciate the “hand”-crafted masterpieces!

What did the hand say to the nail? “I’ve got you covered!”

Why did the hand go to the concert? It wanted to clap along to the big, hand-rousing music!

Missing hand jokes

Why did the missing hand go to the doctor? It wanted to get a “hand-le” on the situation!

What did the missing hand say to the other hand? “I’m feeling a bit empty-handed today!”

Why did the missing hand start a band? It wanted to be known for its “hand”-some music!

How does a missing hand make a phone call? It dials with its “handy” wrist!

Why did the missing hand become an artist? It wanted to create “hand”-drawn masterpieces!

What did the missing hand say when it reunited with its owner? “I’ve really missed being in your hands!”

Why did the missing hand become a detective? It had a knack for uncovering “handy” clues!

How does a missing hand navigate through life? It learns to adapt and give a “hand” to others!

What’s a missing hand’s favorite holiday? “Helping” Hands Day!

Why did the missing hand take up knitting? It wanted to keep busy with some “hand”-crafted projects!

Hand puns

I knew a great hand model, but he couldn’t handle the pressure.

Did you hear about the poker game with hands? It was a real hands-on experience.

My friend got a job as a sign language interpreter, and she’s really good at giving a hand.

I lost my job at the glove factory because I couldn’t keep my hands to myself.

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist my hand.

Why did the hand go to school? It wanted to become well-rounded.

The hand was a great singer, but it never got a hand-clap.

I can’t trust stairs. They’re always giving me handrails.

I bought a glove that was too big, but I’m trying to handle it.

The palm reader told me my future was in my hands, so I became a hand model.

Hand one liners

I used to be all thumbs, but now I’m just missing one.

My left hand went on strike, so now I’m all right.

Who needs two hands when you’ve got determination?

I may be missing a hand, but I’ve still got a firm grip on life.

Life handed me a challenge, so I adapted with one hand.

A missing hand won’t stop me from giving a helping palm.

I may be short-handed, but I’m not short on enthusiasm.

My missing hand gives me a unique perspective on life’s twists and turns.

I’ve learned to embrace my missing hand and hold on tight to what matters most.

With one hand down, I’ve become a master of finding creative solutions.


In the palm of our hands, we’ve explored a world of puns and jokes related to hands. From high-fives to missing hands, these puns have given us a good chuckle and reminded us of the versatility and importance of our hands.

Want to learn more about puns? Click here to know more puns on our blog.  

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